Le mie mani

Mi accorgo del passare del tempo ogni qual volta osservo le mie mani automaticamente alzo gli occhi al cielo forse in cerca di aiuto annullato nei miei pensieri lascio che la fantasia faccia il suo gioco sino ad ascoltare il battito del cuore ed il fievole sibilo del respiro per abbandonarmi nel tuo ricordo sempre presente ma mai così mio come vorrei in quei momenti essere il vento impalpabile...

Morire di overdose

Quel sottile battito di ali appena percettibile sul limitare del bosco come una carezza che ti sfiora il volto mentre i pensieri corrono in quel viaggio artificiale lentamente il battito del cuore si ferma restare supini sull’erba con il corpo ancora tiepido mentre nel cielo infinite mani si protendono per innalzare lo spirito ora libero alla serenità di coloro che verranno classificati nella...

The evening

When the images fade in the vortex of delicate scents and the recall of senses is a vast expanse of autumnal leaves slowly the journey into the unknown begins how many questions how much reasoning get lost in ancestral labyrinths as a ball of wool that doesn’t roll up the thought stagnates in anterooms with no doors on the walls incomprehensible shadows nightmares old ladies praying on their...


I travelled through not defined spaces as not defined were the faces of those I met all the colors and I don’t remember any color giraffes ran on a racetrack while I was running away as quick as lightning from those who wanted to hurt me I lived for a moment an abstract future to fall again dismayed in the middle of everyday...

Tears of a woman

Tears of a woman visible only by the heart of a child sharp contrast to the spirit of the man that betrayed and hurt her trampled her and cheated on her but did not count on the granite willingness typical of the spirit of preservation of the defence of the children purely or better simply only with the power of...

My hands

I become aware of the passing of time every time I look at my hands automatically I lift my eyes to heaven maybe in search for help focused in my thoughts I let my imagination do its game I can hear my heartbeat and the feeble whistle of my breath I give way to your memory always present but never so mine I would like to be the wind In those moments impalpable presence delicate as the scent of grass in...


Dove spazia l’infinito nei sogni dimenticati dentro fiori mai sbocciati nell’illusione perenne di un credo decadente storia di un amore stretto da una spirale di urla gridate in silenzio per non...

Portrait of Athos

Prisoner of himself in perennial search of its sun confused tumult of souls as moved by a storm not even the horse his friend relieves him and all around desert land drops fall slowlier into the large barrel while the earth shakes and the blood boils in the veins in the mind explodes the genius as a punch in the stomach and the constant noise of doors that don’t want to open the brush runs on...

Nonna Matilda

Ho ascoltato all’ombra dell’antica dimora il canto parigino della nobildonna giornata di partenze sul finire dell’estate bambini gioiosi nel parco nell’aria rumori lontani dalla cucina generazioni a confronto nell’imminente compleanno 98 candeline da spegnersi qui sul lago buon compleanno nonna Matilda buon...

Bottles of grappa

On display on shelves antique furniture in cellars of noble origin on barrels in large bottles of high signature simple grappas govern phantoms of spirits multicolor strange shapes bottles induce to easy euphemisms but the director is only one appears disappears behind a deck of cards a flambéed dessert my friend Marino he’s here and he’s...

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